Directions to the New Hampshire Dental Society Office
New Hampshire Dental Society
23 South State St.
Concord, NH 03301
Ph. (603) 225-5961
Fax. (603) 226-4880
Members: (800) 244-5961
From the North

Take Exit 14 off of I-93 and bear right. Go across North Main Street and take the first left on North State Street. Go past back of Capital building past Pleasant Street. (where street becomes South State Street.) and our office is in the first block on the left - 23 South State St. There is a sign in front.
From the South
Take Exit 13 off of I-93 and bear left at the exit heading toward downtown Concord. Go straight toward downtown past St. John's Church on you left. Watch for Fayette Street. on your left and turn on Fayette. At first stop sign take a right and our office is on the right - 23 South State St. There is a sign in front.